Research Information System. Publication Network. Breeding of new kiwifruit Actinidia Eskort k.maraş swap cultivars with yellow golden fleshed and superior characteristics Asadi M. Embryo recovery rescue studies in different Vitis species Doyğacı Y. Cultivars from Pothohar, Pakistan. Akram M. The effects of high concentration of bicarbonate applications on kiwifruit genotypes with different ploidy levels on some growth parameters of leaves Alizadeh Z. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestryvol. Drying kinetics and energy-exergy analysis of an experimental heat pump dryer utilized horseshoe heat recovery heat pipes for drying different grapes Tunçkal C. Biologyvol. Effect of light on growth and chlorophyll development in kiwifruit ex vitro and in vitro Liu Xiaoying L. A grape breeding programme using different Vitis species Atak A. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Actinidia hemsleyana Xiaoqiong Q. Yildirim Z. Ampelographic identification and comparison of some table grape Vitis vinifera L. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisivol. Acta Horticulturaevol. Bahçevol. Özel Sayı 1, pp. Comparison of important quality components of red-flesh kiwifruit Actinidia chinensis in different locations Asadi M. Open Agriculturevol. Climate change and adaptive strategies on viticulture Vitis spp. ATAK A. The effects of glycine betaine application on frost tolerance in three table grape cultivars Kandilli Gulbasar G. Pheno-physiological responses of grapevine cultivars vary under the influence of growing season temperature — a study from Pothwar region of Pakistan Rafique R. Phenolic Eskort k.maraş swap of some disease-resistant raisins Vitis spp. Göksel Z. Table grape breeding programs and new cultivars Atak A. Characteristics of Nazmieh and Spota grape rootstock resistant to crown and root gall disease Mahmoudzadeh H. An overview of the studies on resistance to downy mildew Plasmopara viticola on grapevines in Türkiye Mermer Doğu D. Viticulture Studiesvol. Disease resistance and fruit quality characteristics of 12 Vitis spp. Karadut tohumlarının çimlenmesi üzerine prolin ve sıcaklık uygulamalarının etkileri Kaçal E. Farklı üzüm tür ve çeşitlerinin melezlenmesi ile elde edilen melez genotiplerin canlı tohum oranlarının belirlenmesi ATAK A. Akademik Ziraat Dergisivol. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisivol. Kivide Actinidia spp. Hayward Kivi Çeşidinde Actinidia deliciosa Cv. Asmanin Vitis spp. Chronica Horticulturaevol. Kivi Actinidia spp. E3 Journal of Agricultural Research and Developmentvol. Molecular and ampelographic characterization of some grape hybrids Vitis vinifera L. American Journal of Food Technologyvol.
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